Tu Muro:
Dame Keziah Mason
Dear He Hoo,
Thanks for asking - yes, it is my lovely lake Immola.
With all good wishes
Dame Keziah Mason
Here’s a summer’s wild rose to our lost members, and to us all.
Keziah Mason
Dame Keziah Mason
Buen verano a todos
Keziah Mason
Dame Keziah Mason
Hola amigo Hee-Hoo;
It would be nice to have you both learned Gentlemen here for Christmas: if you decide to come, let me know and I will find both of you an inexpensive lodging (my flat is miserably small). Food is free, as well as snow, cold and dark starry sky. You could break your travel record of the northest place :)
BAWHAHA con gafas:-
Dame Keziah Mason
... Hey, but why don’t you and Dr Armitage come to Finland, maybe for Christmas; there’s plenty of snow - and food!
Dame Keziah Mason
Hola HeWHo..etc.. How nice that you are coming over to Valencia. I just left there in May, but will be back for the last two weeks of August to study Spanish (employer’s orders:) - - what a pity our paths won’t cross, it would have been very intersting to meet you :)
Muchos saludos
Dame Keziah Mason
De Colores
De colores, de colores
se visten los campos
en la primavera.
De colores, de colores
son los pajarillos
que vienen de fuera.
De colores, de colores
es el arco iris
que vemos lucir.
Y por eso los grandes amores
de muchos colores
me gustan a mi.
De colores, de colores
brillantes y finos
se viste la aurora.
De colores, de colores
son los mil reflejos
que el sol atesora.
De colores, de colores
se viste el diamante
que vemos lucir.
Y por eso los grandes amores
de muchos colores
me gustan a mi.
Keziah Mason
Dame Keziah Mason
To Pan
Seated in a woodland glen
By a shallow reedy stream
Once I fell a-musing, when
I was lull’d into a dream.
From the brook a shape arose
Half a man and half a goat.
Hoofs it had instead of toes
And a beard adorn’d its throat
On a set of rustic reeds
Sweetly play’d this hybrid man
Naught car’d I for earthly needs,
For I knew that this was Pan
Nymphs & Satyrs gather’d ’round
To enjoy the lively sound.
All to soon I woke in pain
And return’d to haunts of men.
But in rural vales I’d fain
Live and hear Pan’s pipes again.
copied by Keziah Mason
Buen primavera y besos desde Finlandia
Dame Keziah Mason
Lovecraft-tistic Christmas!
Keziah Mason
Dame Keziah Mason
Querido Sir Henry
Hyvää syntymäpäivää !
MRS Keziah