facsímil de The Rats in the Walls de H.P. Lovecraft
en la Revista para Hombres, Zest.
puede leer esta novela corta, en original inglés, desde la
página web de William Johns
With this sole heir denounced as a murderer, the
estate had reverted to the crown, nor had the accused man made any
attempt to exculpate himself or regain his property. Shaken by some
horror greater than that of conscience or the law, and expressing
only a frantic wish to exclude the ancient edifice from his sight
and memory, Walter de la Poer, eleventh Baron Exham, fled to Virginia
and there founded the family which by the next century had become
known as Delapore.
(Escaneado por Henry Armitage)
bien traducida al castellano en Ciudad Seva:
En el sótano podían aún verse
inscripciones con letras tan inconfundibles como «DIV... OPS...
MAGNA. MAT...», signo de la Magna Mater cuyo tenebroso culto
fue en vano prohibido a los ciudadanos romanos.